martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Compare & Contrast Essay


I.   Intro – Talk about search engines, and introduce Google's and Yahoo's.
II.  Body
     A)Yahoo & Google (Appearance)
     B)Yahoo & Google (Functionality)
     C)Yahoo & Google (Accuracy)
III.Conclusion – Paraphrasing, talk about which one's best for what.

Compare & Contrast Essay

The Internet is a growing source of information that is becoming a standard in research. The places in which to look for information seem to be limitless, and the search engines that make it easy to find it come and go with as much frequency as that of teenage trends; one day they are the most popular, and the next one they have disappeared. However, two search engines have become prevalent in the fight to come out on top; Google and Yahoo. Following we will be comparing and contrasting both search engines according to their appearance, their functionality, and finally their accuracy.

Overall both companies offer the same main feature; a field that enables you to search for information from the World Wide Web. There are, however, some significant differences within both websites. Yahoo´s user interface seems to always be plagued with information. Although its search field is placed on top of the page, the rest of the content distracts away from its main purpose, which should focus on the search engine. Google on the other hand provides a very clean and friendly interface. The features that make up the website are focused on its search field, which is aligned right at the middle of the web page, and there is no additional text or images to take attention away from its engine. So while Yahoo offers more features on its website they can be very distracting, and while Google focuses on its main objective, it does not offer much more than a search field. In the end it all depends on the purpose at hand and the user´s preference.

As far as functionality both companies offer many features that range from researching, to offering news from all over the world, to providing email services among other things. Yahoo's many links within their main website are supposed to make it easier to find these features but, because of the vast amount of information being displayed at once, it instead becomes a confusing and sometimes tedious task. Google goes to the other extreme as it is often hard to find the features they offer, features that not many people know even exist, and this is due to the simplistic approach they took at building their website. There are even many more features you cannot gain access to until you type in the full web address for it, or ironically enough, until you search for it using their search engine. Either way, it takes the user time to familiarize with one or the other, to then decide which company´s features are best suited for the needs at hand.

Regardless of the number of elements they may have, in the end they are both search engines sharing the same purpose, and so it all comes down to how good a job they do. After typing up “compare and contrast essays” to research information for this composition, Yahoo´s search results gave me a list of websites offering free sample compare and contrast essays already written, as well as a whole bunch of advertisements for companies specialized on writing professional essays at a certain cost. Clicking on these links proved them to be hooks, nothing but false advertisements aimed at getting people to buy their service, as well as to purchase other products absolutely unrelated to the topic at hand. Whereas typing in the same term on Google's search engine turned up many links about what a compare and contrast essay was, about its structure, and many tutorials on how to write one correctly. Clicking on these links confirmed that the information provided by Google's search results was real and quite helpful, but most importantly; it was accurate.

Knowing where to look for information is of utmost importance and could mark the difference between a failing grade and an outstanding one. As far as features and accessibility, Yahoo's interface offers a more appealing look to its website, but even these features are of no help when the user's main purpose is to find accurate documentation. When it comes down to looking for trustworthy resources, it is pretty clear that Google's search engine is far superior than Yahoo's, and this in turn places it out on top. The Internet is nowadays the preferred way of researching. When we use it, however, we must keep in mind that if we are to be practical we must also be precise. Thus if we use a tool in which we depend on crucially, we have to make sure it is reliable and save us the problems that could arise thereafter, because as the saying goes “it’s better to be safe than sorry”.            

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Argumentative Essay


I. Introduction: The mutated influenza (swine) has given raise to a so called new vaccine that could actually kill you.

II. CON 1: The vaccine is brand new and was created exclusively for swine flu.
     REF 1: Neither the illness nor the vaccine are new.

III. CON 2: The aim of this vaccine is to heal people.
      REF 2: From the first time this vaccine was released no changes were made. Back then it killed many people and left others with appalling side effects.

IV. CON 3: There is no other intention behind the vaccine other than to help people.
      REF 3: Not so. There is a large financial plot behind the distribution of the vaccine.

V. Conclusion: The drug is not all it claims to be. It can be a potential hazard to a large demographic and extremely detrimental for many people's health.

Argumentative Essay

The whole world was scared to death. There was a globally collective paranoia; no one was sure who was infected and who was not, but it was all that was talked about in the news. A silent killer that came out of nowhere, we were in the presence of a new influenza virus mutation; the deadly swine flu. Within a the smallest period of time the danger level had raised to stage 6, creating fear and alarm among the population, as it would surely kill millions of people worldwide. Why? What was hiding behind this new trendy pandemic and what was the government not telling us? A new vaccine had been massively made, yet poorly distributed around the world, claiming to be the single solution to protect humanity against this disease. Patented in 1996, Tamiflu was brought on by GILEAD to fight various types of influenza; all while being led by Donald Rumsfeld as head president of the company. However, Tamiflu had once again proven to be fatal and the cause of many deaths throughout the last 3 decades, thus proving that the medicine was not all that beneficial for people’s health and well-being after all. Worst of all, it all started with a lie.

Some people believe the vaccine to be brand new, created for the sole purpose of curing the swine flu which they also believe is recent, and to prevent them from getting it at all. The media and GILEAD did not help by supporting this assumption in one way or another, through the distribution of dubious information, or the lack of it thereof. In reality the first records of swine flu being detected come from 1918. According to the World Health Organization (hereon referred to as WHO); an estimated 50 to 100 million people died back then, victims of the disease. Later on in 1976 there was a U.S. outbreak in which President Gerald Ford was pressured to come up with a solution. The vaccine back then was released after many delays, and had been subject to public relation problems prior to its circulation, and post distribution there were reports of many people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome. The medicine seemed rushed, and after many lawsuits against it, a halt on its production had been issued by the president himself. There were a couple more cases of the swine flu reported in 1988 and 1998 but it had been controlled and, remarkably enough, no inoculations had been used. Neither the swine influenza nor the vaccine against it was new, and due to legal threats, the vaccine was no longer being made.

This, however, raises a very important question; is it not the aim of the medicine today supposed to heal people? Not necessarily. From the first time this injection was distributed no changes were ever made. Back then it killed many people and left others with appalling side effects; one of which was the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (hereon referred to as GBS).  GBS could be projected as simple as in a small tick of the eye, mouth, or extremities, and grow to be as complicated as a weakness to the legs spreading to the upper limbs until the eventual complete loss of reflexes. The results of this paralyzing neuromuscular disorder varied drastically from person to person and in extreme cases it caused death.  All this was the product of a medicine that would later on be named and patented as Tamiflu.  The chemical formula that makes up Tamiflu is the same as the one issued in 1976, which meant that the same medicine that had caused so many harsh outcomes back then would be patented decades later for the same purpose, with the same results. It cannot be helped to think that there is something wrong with that picture. There were enough lawsuits to stop any company from picking up this medicine, a risk that had gone beyond being a simple gamble, to become a downright business hazard.

Even with so much proof of the dangers of this medicine, there are those who believe that there is no other intention behind the sale of this inoculation than that of helping people, and that harmful as it may or may not be there is no other purpose for it. That is not entirely true. While there is no doubt that the medication does indeed help some people, it is blatantly obvious that there is a large financial plot behind the circulation of this drug, as well as the pandemic chaos and hype created by GILEAD and President W. Bush’s administration. In 1997 GILEAD came to an agreement with Swedish laboratory Roche to manufacture and redistribute Tamiflu until 2016 at the cost of ten percent of the total revenue generated by its sales. Donald Rumsfeld presided as President of GILEAD SCIENCES until 2001, year in which he stepped down from his rank, keeping his share of the Tamiflu patent. Why did he retire of this highly titled and envied position? Rumsfeld was named Defense Secretary soon after President George W. Bush took office that year, the very same President that in 2005 approved a budget of 1.2 billion dollars intended to be given to Rumsfeld’s former company to produce 20 million doses of Tamiflu, to prevent the alleged two million bird flu related deaths in the United States predicted by the WHO. Yet, how many lives were actually claimed by the bird influenza in the United States? The answer: zero.  Coincidentally Tamiflu is one of the only two drugs recommended by the WHO to fight the swine flu. What better way to market it than to generate a need based on fear and paranoia among society.

According to the National Safety Council, the probability of death by lightning was greater than the probability of dying by bird influenza. The story repeats itself with AH1N1. According to the WHO, up to the dated chaos of the swine influenza in mid-2009, 382 people had died from it worldwide. Associated Press reported, in comparison, that two million people die of malaria every year. It is a death that can be prevented by simply using a mosquito net. Two other million children die every year of diarrhea, which can be cured by drinking oral rehydration salts, worth a quarter of a dollar. Every year ten million people die of curable illnesses. How many of these diseases become newspaper headlines? None. The common flu, according to the WHO, kills half a million people per year. If none of these diseases are worth building hype for, then what makes the swine flu so special, and what is the reason behind the persistence for a cure and for the consumption of this cure from the government? At this point it should be obvious. The vaccine is not all it claims to be as it can be a potential hazard to a large demographic and extremely detrimental to many people’s health. Consumption is at anyone’s risk, but this particular author is wary enough not to take it, and to recommend others to do the same.


Swine Flu - 1976: The swine flu scare. Retrieved from

CBS 60 Minutes Report. Retrieved from with an unknown date. However, it can be clearly speculated that it was shortly after the vaccination for the disease had been released.

World Health Organization. Various research related to the swine flu was done from the WHO website. Articles read were retrieved from this particular search query

World Health Organization. Various research related to the swine flu was done from the WHO website. Articles read were retrieved from this particular search query

Ronald Rumsfeld. Information was retrieved from GILEAD's website mentioning information related to Rumsfeld's involvement within the organization. Aside from general information about Rumsfeld from GILEAD's company, other research was done through various websites, but most from Wikipedia. Source can be retreived from

GILEAD SCIENCES. Information was retrieved from GILEAD's website relating to the company itself and its ties to distribution from external companies. Aside from general information about the company from its website, other research was done through various websites, but most from Wikipedia. Source can be retreived from

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Descriptive Essay


I. Introduction

a. Isaiah
b. His town
c. His family
d. His religion
 f. Imprisonment

II. Isaiah's Room

a. The look
b. The space
c. The ones he lived with
d. The type of life he had

III. Isaiah's Food

a. How it looked
b. Its consistency
c. The way it tasted
d. Memories of home

IV. Isaiah's Clothes

a. Growth spur
b. Cloth's aspect
c. How he got new clothes
d. The tragedy

V. Conclusion

a. Heaven
b. Waking up
c. Readapting

Descriptive Essay

Isaiah is 5 feet tall, and he is about to turn 14 years old. His skin is as white as the bright snow on a cold day, and his hair as black as any obscure cave near the mountains in his hometown, but oddly enough his eyes are a deep hypnotizing intense green that makes him stand out among the crowd. He lives in Germany in a little town in the middle of nowhere, where vegetation can be seen all around; from the tallest of trees, to the plethora of plants and flowers colorful and bright, steaming the sweetest perfumed and fragrant aroma. The voice of children can be heard everywhere, vibrant and full of life, screaming as they laughed out loud for all those things children usually laugh at. Isaiah lived with his parents in a loving family that rarely seemed to be sad; laughter and caring was abounding in his home. He is a very clever young boy who loves sweets, enjoys playing outdoors, and often talks to God. However, he can no longer do many of these things he used to delight in, for he is Jewish, and like many of his people he will soon be sent to a concentration camp to endure a harsh life simply for being who he is. Isaiah will spend his 14th birthday as a victim of the calamity that was the Holocaust. His cell will be his home, and the many people imprisoned with him will be his family for years to come, some of which will not make it past this tragic disaster.

Isaiah’s room, as he liked to call it, was quite small.  The walls were gray, and there were no windows to allow the sunlight to access the freezing and dim atmosphere, or to warm up the gloomy and dismal environment in which the children played. There were several bunk beds in two rows along the walls, leaving but a tiny small corridor in the middle which he used to play with his 42 new friends, though not all of them were able to play. The many cracks on the ceiling would often filter in rainwater, and it served two purposes, albeit one proved to be fatal. Isaiah would sometimes use the potty basin to collect the rainwater and ration it among the youngest of the kids. It had a moldy and mildewed, rancid taste, but one kid had already died of dehydration last month. They could not take any more chances. Isaiah would often talk to God and ask for heavy rain, because that way he would be able to wash out the feces left stuck on the basin, or at least make that reeking putrid stench less noticeable. He had to manage to survive in any way possible.  The water filtered in through the cracks, however, was sometimes absorbed by the dark wooden bunk beds. The moistened surface would become completely wet overnight, but it would dry out by morning, without leaving a trace of evidence. The residues of a used basin, and the damp environment caused many children to become ill, and were forced to stay in beds that had no mattress and were too small for them to fit in. Isaiah did not know what was wrong with them, but he asked God to make their pain go away, even if God himself had to take them to him. Isaiah preferred the day over the night and for good reason. During the day he was able to listen to the sound of joyous laughter emanating from all the children. Voices that, even within such barbaric imprisonment, were full of excitement and life. They reminded him of his hometown. Guards would sometimes come during the day and take some kids away, but he thought they were being freed, so he usually displayed a smile as wide as slice of watermelon from one ear all the way to the other. Isaiah was very naïve indeed. It was different at night. All that was sound was the grungy sore throats trying to grasp for air, the faint sound of those struggling to stay alive, and the soft moans of those agonizing in what would become their deathbeds. As much as he pleaded to God, there was no hope for them, Isaiah knew.

Eventually, there were but 15 kids left in the room. Isaiah was among them, and he was somewhat happy because some of his friends had been freed, or had passed away and were no longer suffering. He could not explain, however, why the food was becoming scarcer and tasted worse than before. There were fewer kids in his room, and in all the other rooms he had checked, yet the food supplies had been reduced to a mere piece of bread per day. Isaiah still kept to his old routine of rainwater to keep hydrated, but because there were more basins available, the water did not taste as disgusting as before. Isaiah had to sacrifice water for a couple of days because he wanted to wash one of the basins, and completely rid it of the raunchy stench of fecal matter, some of which had become so solid overtime that it was nearly impossible to detach from the surface of the cold metal. Luckily he had found a sharp stone from the work area that aided him in the hard working process of cleaning the basin. Visits from the guards seemed an awful less frequent than before, which worried him, it meant the children were also being less frequently fed than before. If they were lucky, they would get a piece of bread, or at least it seemed like it. Some of the times, it was hard as a rock, stale and flavorless. Isaiah used the same tool he used to clean the basin to grind the bread into tiny bits, and then use some of the rainwater to put over the bread, which would moisten it and make it easier to eat. Other times the food was already moist, full of green spots that were already rotten, it looked repugnant and tasted repulsive. It almost felt like he was eating manure. Isaiah tried to suppress the taste and smell of rat droppings from the floor of the room, and the pungent aroma of spoiled food, by remembering his mother’s cooking. He would imagine he was eating a spongy load of bread, dipped in warm goat milk, waiting for the sweet taste of a sliced orange and strawberries that was served to him every breakfast. He imagined his clean wooden table, covered by a colorless tablecloth that was as soft as silk, ever so slightly touching his bare lap as he smelled the fragrant floral arrangement in the center of the table. It was almost as if he was there. The feeling did not usually last very long, but just enough to swallow some of the putrid, spoiled food that was given to him. The food was cold, so was his room, and consequently he was freezing too. He wished he had his warm blanket and his favorite teddy bear with him, but instead, he had barely any clothes on him to keep him alive.

Next week would make it close to 4 years since Isaiah had been imprisoned. He was 17 years old, nearing 18, and he had grown up quite a bit. His clothes had become a problem, because as he was growing, his pants and shirt had gotten very used and torn. Isaiah had had to figure out how to get new ones. As more people had fallen dead from illness, he figured they would not be needing their clothes any longer, but he did. At night, we would sneak over to the mounts of bodies reeking of death and stench, and without making much noise he would take their clothes off. Some of the clothes stank of urine, some others of feces, and thus he smelled of sweat and unwashed clothes. From most of the corpses’ mouths came the stench of rotting teeth, from their bellies that of onions, and from their bodies came the rancid smell of cheese and sour milk mixed along with tumorous disease.  There was nothing to halt bacteria from decomposing the bodies. Isaiah had no other choice, it was either that, or die victim of the frozen cold caused by the snow. His latest set of clothes was great. It was neither very torn, nor very ripped, and had very few stains of congealed and coagulated blood. The pants fully covered his legs, and the shirt’s sleeves covered his arms, with only two buttons missing from it. What was most important, though, is that it had the correct symbol that categorized him. He was extremely thrilled to have made such a find. He could barely believe it. Isaiah was jumping up and down, eager to lay down in his bed, excited and a little bit agitated by the emotion. He controlled himself to avoid getting the attention of the guards. Isaiah decided it was time to go back to his room. As he walked by the dusty road, looking to the sky at all those stars, he wondered if his parents were still alive. It had been 4 long years since he last saw them, and he was practically a man, but he remained optimistic. As he entered his dark room, he noticed everyone was watching him, with despair in their eyes. Some of them struggled to keep their mouths closed, shaking as if they were in the middle of December, and some had started to shed tears from their saddened eyes. Isaiah’s head suddenly felt very warm, and he felt an icy drop of water slide down his cheek, and time seemed to pass very slowly. He lifted his head up towards the ceiling, but he was sure it was not raining outside, since that is where he had just come from. He took his hand to his face to touch the cold liquid, placed it in front of him at eye level, and saw the red liquid glide down his hand into his arm. As he fell to the floor his body twisted, and before everything went dark, he saw the angry faces of the two guards that were standing right behind him. He knew it was the end, but he was ready, he wanted to see his parents.

Isaiah had often wondered what Heaven would be like. He figured it was not as cloudy as every one else imagined. He thought heaven was full of green fields, contrasting with flowers of every colors, and full of friendly wild animals. The grass was soft and warm, and the smell of his mom’s apple tarts covered the atmosphere, he could almost taste the sweet cinnamon taste. Children playing with angels, as they stretched their wings open to carry them into their warm and soft arms, to places they could have never imagine existed. He saw himself as a kid too, walking on home to resume his life where he had left it four years ago, and see his parent’s faces once again unchanged by time. He could almost feel it. He started walking towards his home’s front door eagerly awaiting to once again feel the soft blanket on his bed, covered up to the arms, and feeling the cozy warmth of the bedspread overwhelming his whole body. Drinking a hot cup of chocolate, while blowing the steam off the top of the foamy surface, in which tiny marshmallows floated and expanded by the sweet delicious liquid. He was there, ready to knock on the tall and hard frame of the door, and as it opened up he was swallowed by an infinite obscurity. Isaiah awoke from the darkness to see his mother’s face. He did not know whether he was still dreaming, or if he was already in heaven, but he noticed his mother’s eyes starting to shed tears. He could not help but do the same as he felt his mother’s drop down from her cheeks directly onto him. They were warm. He was confused, and so leaned up to see where he was, a bit clumsy from the long journey. He could not believe it; he was home. Isaiah had survived the Holocaust, and so had her mother, but her father had passed away soon after his arrival at the camp. The war had been over for over 5 months now, which he had spent asleep on his bed, and the Jew had been saved and taken back home. As the years went on Isaiah would always remember not the peril and suffering he had gone through, but the many faces he had met through all those years, and the hardships he had managed to survive through. He felt vibrant and full of life, excited to start anew, and that is what mattered the most.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Electronic Literacy Essay


I. Introduction

a. What it is
b. Why it is important
c. How it helps

II. Starting Out

a. Video Games
b. My first PC (typing, specs, etc.)
c. Internet (email, forums, etc.)

III. Present Time

a. Graphic Design
b. PC upgrade
c. Video Games
d. Family

IV. Into The Future

a. Use in field of work
b. Expectations
c. Non ELT related business

V. Conclusion

a. Restatement (importance)
b. Personal opinion
c. Closing comment

Electronic Literacy Essay

Nowadays a literate individual has a massive advantage over an illiterate person. Literacy, however, does not seem to be enough anymore. With the recent major advances in the technological field, individuals are now required to be able to handle the sometimes complex intricacy of today’s innovative modern devices. It is therefore important to be fully competent at managing different types of electronics varying form TVs, cameras, video games, and computers, to also understanding how they work for their use with internet, and sometimes even code in different computer languages. Literacy has long gone over the limits of reading and writing. Those who are electronically literate hold the key to success in our current world. Following is but one of the many tales on the influence that was brought upon by electronic literacy.

I was born at a time of technological advancement, one in which plenty of electronic devices were bountiful, common, and usual in my life. My first real and meaningful contact with electronic devices was with video game consoles. Mine was a generation in which children did not play outside much anymore, but rather stayed in to socialize with other kids by having fun in front of a TV set, playing Super Mario, Sonic, and Street Fighter, among others. Some would look on the disadvantages of this, but there is a worthy side to everything, it helped me develop other skills that I would not have obtained otherwise. My interest in video games grew, in the same way it did for my friends as well, and soon after my 12th birthday I acquired my very first personal computer. After a couple of semesters in Junior High School, I became a pro at typing, learning computer specs, and even building my own computer. The internet became massive just a few years earlier too, and my initiation was delayed by the fact that it was quite expensive to get a connection, but I had the opportunity to become acquainted with it at school. Immediately an entire world opened up for me and, though a bit rustic at the time, email, forums, and chat channels allowed me to obtain a plethora of information about nearly anything. The best was yet to come, as it grew over time, and it enabled me to gain considerable knowledge about the many things I was interested in.

One of those items was the many places sharing such wisdom. I became fixated on building my own space where I could share my experience, but in order to do that it was crucial to know how to design a website, and after a period of time I succeeded. I no longer have a website of my own, but I work as a Graphic Designer for national and international companies, and technology has had an enormous influence on improving this skill. Furthermore, I am now able to upgrade my computer, which is important for several reasons. One of these reasons is to keep it up to date for the latest games. Though I now lack the time to play video games all day long, I still manage to set a couple of hours apart each week to indulge in this recreational practice of mine, which is enough for now. The second and most important reason is the communication I maintain with my parents. My immediate family lives in the US, and technology has enabled me to keep in touch with them up to this day, which is something I would never be able to afford otherwise. We talk to each other each week through a messenger application. The fact that I am able to talk to them from so far away has been a significant stronghold in my life. It has helped me tolerate the immense distance setting us apart. Technology has also helped me extensively in both, my native language, and my second language.  Since I was a small boy when I moved to the US, English was not a learned language, it was an acquired one. It eventually overshadowed Spanish to the extent that had forgotten it. Computer language programs enabled me to acquire a second language, and they have also helped in the task of regaining my native language. I still stall a bit when speaking Spanish, but the improvement is clearly seen, as no one seems to notice this shortcoming too much. I suspect that technology will not stop me here.

We are obviously well into the electronic revolution. Technology has an infinite number of tools that will be of immeasurable use in my field of work. As an English teacher I expect to use many platforms, such as moodle, to fulfill many learning objectives. I expect that my students will not be the only ones learning and keeping up to date. I have always made it an effort to expand and develop my knowledge, to progressively increase it, and I have no plans on interrupting this trend any time soon.  I imagine that new devices and mechanical equipment that we cannot even begin to envision will be invented in the future. Gadgets that will amaze us and assist us in ways we thought were impossible. The future looks very promising, and I for one cannot wait to see it, but I know that I will certainly enjoy the way there. My vision for now though, is to keep using technology in all my future endeavors; to teach English, and to grow on future projects, such as owning my own business.  It might be quite an ambition, but I have full trust on my convictions, and I know I can get there.

Technology has had a big impact on my life. It is worth mentioning, however, that it serves no purpose by itself. It is only when we apply ourselves to become familiar with all its domains that we can truly take full advantage of it. We must continually strive to be up to date with all its standards. Electronic literacy is our pathway into the future, and as such, obtaining the necessary knowledge to master it must be a priority. I always knew it to be wise to embrace it, and to let it be in my life regardless of the consequence, and I have yet to regret it. Although electronic literacy’s true potential can be easily seen to lean towards the future, I do not believe that something with such importance should wait when I can have it now, and there is no better time than the present. I take my life very serious. I am overprotective of it because I cherish it as everyone should too, hence I do not hesitate to do what is best for myself, and that makes all the difference.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Introductory Essay


I. Introduction

a. Name
b. Age & date of birth
c. Place of birth
d. Likes & dislikes
e. General family information

II. Past

a. Moving to the USA
b. School
c. Culture
d. Growing up

III. Present

a. Back in Mexico
b. UAA
c. Friends
d. Job

IV. Future

a. Masters (undecided on what)
b. England & Canada
c. Work at UAA
d. Own business
e. Going back to the US… or not

V. Conclusion
a. Background
b. Summary
c. Experience
d. Personal opinion

Introductory Essay

My name is Chris, I am 27 years old and I was born on April of 1983. I am an easy-going person, friendly, and not hard to get along with at all. I like knowledge, rather, I crave it. There are not many things I dislike, but two such things are lies and prejudice. Having been born in Mexico City I was overprotected by my parents. I would hardly ever leave home unless it was absolutely necessary, such as to go to school, which I hardly remember. I have but a very faint memory of the house I used to live in, but it is gradually fading away, and my family’s history is somewhat surreal. Apart from my immediate family, I know only a few cousins and uncles, though much of my family seems to know me. They contact me regularly, but I don’t always know who they are, which makes me very weary of what I say at all times. Due to this, many people say my life is very strange and peculiar; I tend to agree.

I moved to the US when I was a very small boy. So small, in fact, that I do not even remember when it happened. Whenever I ask mom about the series of events that led to our sudden move, the most I get out of her is “because of your dad’s job”, so it is not much to go on from. My dad used to work for SEARS but I do not remember much of it. Growing up in Arizona was nothing out of the ordinary for me. I did not really have a sense of the major decision that had been made on my behalf, and so it did not hit me as an enormous change, or any change at all. I simply grew up as any other boy in his hometown. I often try to remember how long it took me to learn to speak English, but the times fluctuate too much and I end up asking mom, to which she informs me that the big number is six months. It is no wonder, then, that I also picked up the culture in just as long. Having had no culture of my own yet, I adopted the American one, while my parents instilled in me my very own Mexican origins. People often ask me what I consider myself to be, and the question is easy to answer, but the answer is not always easy to understand. I love my Mexican roots but I could not help to grow up within an American culture. It is a different, vastly criticized culture, but it was all I had.

A couple of years ago I moved back to Mexico for reasons I rather keep to myself. I immediately fell in love with Aguascalientes, especially with Mexican cuisine, as well as the rich Mexican culture. I started traveling here and there within the nearest states. After a while though, I decided it was time to make better use of my time, and I decided to study. Although ELT was not my main choice, I decided to give it a chance, and I am glad I did. The people I have met are very friendly and generous, and the friendships I have forged are invaluable, so much that the best of my friends know me more than I know myself. I have also been lucky enough to find a job that I can handle. I teach English lessons at a private institution, giving me a great opportunity to gain experience, and to develop in my future field of work.

I have big plans for the future. I am an ambitious person in that aspect. I want to get a Master’s Degree, though I am not yet sure in which area, but I want to get it in either England or Canada. Afterwards, I will be coming back to Mexico and try to get into the ELT BA at UAA. It is probably presumptuous on my part but I know I can get there. I am an entrepreneur at heart as well so the idea of owning my own business, or businesses, constantly flows within my mind. It is an expectation I will fight to the end to accomplish. I have not yet decided whether or not I want to go back to the US someday. I suppose it is inevitable, and most likely to happen once I retire, but it is a decision I do not have to take yet. The future looks very promising from my perspective, but I know nothing is set on stone, though I think everything is possible. I like to keep a positive attitude.

My life is not shrouded in mystery like many people believe. It may be peculiar in certain aspects, and I like to keep to myself for the most part, but I make my experience my own. I love my family, I love my culture, and I love my life. Although I would very much like to change bits and parts of it such as regrettable mistakes, certain behaviors, a few bad decisions, and some bad habits, I would never change it for any other out there. My friends are very important to me. They have helped me tremendously to assimilate the drastic change of culture I went through. On the whole, I am making new memories that I will cherish forever, and gaining new experience on every step. I look forward to my future plans. There is still a long way to go, and I expect to live it to the fullest extent I possibly can. Destiny plays the strangest of cards, but I am a great believer of all things happening for a reason, and they have for me so far.